
Kundalini Yoga & Astrology

In person @ Darley Studio or virtual/online – Servicing Bacchus Marsh, Gisborne, Melbourne, Central Victoria

“My intention is simple. That you experience more of your true self. That your sovereignty shines through. That your mind is your ally but not your master. That you experience your destiny, one breath at a time.”

  ~Tara Surpreet

Leo Season 2024

Its LEO season through till 23 August, 2024.


8.8.24 – Lion’s Gate

14.8.24 Jupiter Mars Conjunction

20.8.24 Leo Full Moon with Venus (V) opp Saturn (P)

Your Leo Season Kundalini Yoga ​

Focus on the creative nature of the cosmos and the heart; fixing into and solidifying our intentions that were activated back in Aries season (March/April). 

Be passionate but if you find anger wanting to take you off course, use Sitali Breath to cool and redirect.

Kriyas and meditations focussed on heart chakra and Har mantra are powerful now. 

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